Sunday, April 27, 2008

ITV 1 Sunday 27th April, 2008 10.45pm

Melvyn reaches Scotland tonight in the fourth and final episode of this series.
Last November I recorded some wee bits for the programme. I thought I was just going to be doing voice-overs of the Burns' song/poem, My love is like a red, red rose, a short poem in Scots by Stirling poet, Eunice Wyllie, and an extract from my own poem, Scotland Oh Scotland. But when I turned up they put me on camera for a couple of the pieces.

Like most folk, I can't stand seeing myself in photos or on film. So it's with some trepidation that I await tonight's broadcast.

Still, I was fair chuffed to be asked to do a wee bit. And my mum, who's eighty-six, is delighted.

The full poem of Scotland Oh Scotland, which was written just before we got our Scottish Parliament, can be read on the 'poems' page of my website. (Link is to the right of this column)

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