Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DiScOmBObUlAtE - Tuesday 10th February 2009 at the CCA

Yay! We're back for 2009. Special guest for Feb is Aidan Moffat of Arab Strap.

Hosted by the ineffable Ian Macpherson, the line-up includes regular favourites Anneliese Mackintosh, Iain Heggie, Alan Bissett and Kirstin Innis. Also reading, Rodge Glass. I might squeeze in a wee Valentine poem myself.

Oh, and Anna and Julian are back with another song following their December success.

So come along to the Theatre at the CCA, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, 7.30 for an 8pm start. Laugh at the writers who've crawled out from behind their desks to meet at DiscOmBoB, where literature and comedy collide.

ps we're building a DisComBob website - more info soon.

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She counts murdered women. Not women  wiped out in warzones by bullets and bombs,  nor the 63 million missing in India - Rita Banerj...